

A module to interface with the Dow Jones Screening and Monitoring API in a type-safe way

Quick example

import {DowJonesSDK} from '@eckidevs/dow-sdk';

const {id_token} = await DowJonesSDK.getAuthNToken({
client_id: 'your-client-id',
username: 'your-username',
password: 'your-password',
device: 'your-device-id',

const {access_token} = await DowJonesSDK.getAuthZToken({
client_id: 'your-client-id',

const sdk = new DowJonesSDK({accessToken: access_token});

// List all cases / associations
const cases = await sdk.listCases();
const associations = await sdk.listAssociations();

// Create a new case
const newCase = await sdk.addCase({
data: {
type: 'risk-entity-screening-cases',
attributes: {
case_name: 'Some Name for your Case',
options: {
search_type: 'NEAR',
// See docs for more types
filter_content_category: ['SL', 'WL', 'PEP'],

// Create a new association
const association = await sdk.addAssociation({
data: {
type: 'risk-entity-screening-associations',
attributes: {
record_type: 'PERSON', // or ENTITY or UNKNOWN
names: [
single_string_name: 'John Doe III',
name_type: 'PRIMARY',

// Correlate an association to a case
await sdk.addExistingAssociationsToCase({
case_id: newCase.data.id,
data: [association.data],

// Get matches for entire case
const caseMatches = await sdk.getMatches({
case_id: newCase.data.id,

// Get matches for specific association
const associationMatches = await sdk.getMatches({
case_id: newCase.data.id,
associationId: association.data.id,

if (!associationMatches?.data?.length) {
console.log('no matches');

for (const associationMatch of associationMatches.data) {
const associationId = associationMatch.id; // Always the association id
const hasAlerts = associationMatch.attributes.has_alerts; // If there are still matches with an OPEN status

if (!associationMatch.attributes?.matches?.length) continue; // 'empty results';

for (const match of associationMatch.attributes.matches) {
console.log(match.match_name); // The person / entity name
console.log(match.current_state.state); // The person / entity state (OPEN, CLEARED etc.)

// Update the status of a match
await sdk.addMatchFeedback({
case_id: newCase.data.id,
match_id: match.match_id,
data: {
type: 'risk-entity-screening-matches',
attributes: {
comment: 'This is not a match',
current_state: 'PERMANENTLY_CLEARED', // CONFIRMED etc.

Please consult the documentation for more

Link to Documentation


To install dependencies:

npm install

To build

npm run build

To test

npm test

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